Monday, October 5, 2015

Part three

Hard to see but the storm clouds were brewing behind the arch. Looks like you can walk to the base, maybe even climb it but I did not want to try and get my truck out of here if it started raining so I didn't stick around. Passed a group of three on the way up, the only others crazy enough to come up the road. Made it back to the truck where a thirsty dog was happy to see it.

 Made it the washout where the other group had parked their Jeep. Unfortunately the approach angle was obscured and I didn't get out and spot myself. I hate hearing that crunching sound but at least I didn't get stuck. Its only noticeable if you squat down.
By this time I was only going to barely have time for lunch before the cave tour. You can certainly see where they won't be repairing the road any time soon. Its going to be a long time before the hillside regenerate.

They never even checked my ticket before the tour. Took me a bit to figure out how to use my camera in a cave. I made the mistake leaving my 55-200 lens on thinking there'd be some large rooms. Unfortunately there are three rooms they don't take you into. I wish there were an option for putting on the caving gear and doing some real spelunking. I'm sure some get to go in the rest of the cave.

After the cave it was time to do the scenic tour up the Mather overlook. Turned out though when I got up there the road was no longer closed so I got to go all the way up. Turns out at 10,000 feet you get some good color.

Unfortunately it was late afternoon and I was shooting into the sun. Back to camp and get ready for an early start. Of course it rains again so I have to load up wet gear. Hit the road before it was light. Finally put those expensive lights to use. Before Ely the rain changes to fog. Good thick stuff. I decided instead of heading back on 50 I'd take 6. Only done the CA portion before so it was all new to me. If you think 50 is lonely you haven't see 6. I wanted to see the Lunar Crater and maybe hit McCann Pass in the Monitor range since it was mentioned in the book and relatively close to highway 6. It rained pretty much the whole way. I started down the dirt road to the crater and even though it felt firm I decided it was too risky in the rain. A closer look at the map and I see the road in the Monitor Range is marked 4x4 and "impassible when wet". Its rained so much the desert is beginning to form lakes.

I barely had enough breaks to get the dog a bit of break and stretch his legs. Went through Hawthorne and took 367 past mono lake to 395. Was a bit worried when I saw 108 closed but Monitor pass was open. I finally saw the sun once I was past Placerville. Oops, better go pop the top and let it dry out before I spend all day writing :)

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